Wednesday, September 30, 2015

George, by Alex Gino (tween)

To the world, George, 10, appears to be a boy. But appearances are deceiving. George knows she's really (secretly) a girl named Melissa, and has known this for as long as she can remember. Lately, it's gotten harder and harder for George to keep this secret from her best friend and even her family. Then George finds the perfect way to introduce her true self to the people she cares about: By playing the part of Charlotte in her class production of Charlotte's Web. Despite not getting the part because the teacher "doesn't want to give the part of Charlotte to a boy," George comes up with a plan. And with the help of her best friend Kelly, that plan just might work. At least it will be a step in the right direction.

George is the first book middle school book I've encountered that has a transgender main character, and it is an awesome (Terrific! Radiant!) book! Author Alex Gino handles this very sensitive topic with the utmost care and respect. Characters are realistic and well-rounded. The ending seems a bit tidy, but it is a happy and hopeful one that will leave readers satisfied.

George, just out this month, will soon be available on our Tween shelf.

The Verdict:
George is a beautifully-written novel about family, friendship, acceptance, and not being afraid to be yourself. Fans of R.J. Palacio's Wonder will adore George! --AJB

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